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Our parents are our biggest fans!!!  They volunteer countless hours loading equipment, washing uniforms, working in the concession stand, etc.  They are an essential key to our success and we could not do it without them.  

What is a Band Parent?

A Band Parent is one whose child is the greatest! From the first note (squeak?) through the monotonous scales, the parent beams because this young musician is learning so quickly!


A Band Parent soon learns that it requires considerable hard work, time, and money to produce a quality band. After extending credit to purchase the instrument and finally locating a pair of black shorts (at the end of summer!), the harried parent is then introduced to fund-raising campaigns! This means selling hot dogs, popcorn, and soft drinks during football games (and every other sports event!) – and while the band is performing its half-time show. 

A Band Parent is a calm, multipurpose machine who can bring order out of the chaos of getting ready for football games. Dad rushes to the cleaners to pick up the uniform while Mom locates the missing black sock, cooks a quick meal, sews on a button (again), combs hair, and herds the family into the van for the quick trip to be ON TIME for Call Time!

The next week, the game is away from home and the Band Parent becomes a Chaperone (that is – nurse, dispenser of hair pins, safety pins, tape, aspirin, shoe laces, etc.) and relives childhood memories on a loud, slow-moving school bus filled with shouting, singing, and sleeping band members. Or, the Band Parents drive to the away games just to see the half-time show and then realize that they will only see the backside of the band and hear the echo of the performance as the band faces the host stands. 

A Band parent is one who criticizes the Band Director for calling extra practice sessions, praises him for instilling team work and discipline, and loyally defends him from outside critics for any reason. 

On graduation day, a Band Parent is a relieved person. No more hectic scrambling on performance nights, no more fund-raising activities, vacations can be taken at any time and not just when the band schedule allows, no more – uh, oh… 

A Band Parent is one whose younger child announces: 

“Guess What? I’ve signed up for BAND!”

Parental Resources
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